Siz istediniz biz uzattık! İndirimli bilet fiyatları için son tarih: 29 Mart!



Peter Orban
Chief Commercial Officer, Augmate, USA
Peter Orban

Chief Commercial Officer, Augmate, USA

Peter is a strategic and digitally focused global marketing leader with agency, client and startup experience. He is an entrepreneurial business leader with significant P&L experience in strategic communications development across traditional, digital, direct and retail. With deep experience in

Ayob Alsanad
Head of Enterprise PMO
Ayob Alsanad

Head of Enterprise PMO

Head of Enterprise PMO
Masters in Business Administration,
Strategic Management
6+ years of experience in Strategy
Relevant Experience (excerpt)
Managing structured initiatives portfolio in Zain KSA
Managing the Corporate & Functions Strategy using
Nihat Akkuş
Marmara Üniversitesi
Nihat Akkuş

Marmara Üniversitesi


Florian Lukavsky
Managing Director, SEC Technologies GmbH
Florian Lukavsky

Managing Director, SEC Technologies GmbH

Florian Lukavsky started his hacker career in early ages, bypassing parental control systems. Since then, he has reported numerous zero-day vulnerabilities responsibly to software vendors and has conducted hundreds of pentests and security reviews of IoT devices as

Antoine van den Oever
Business Developer Internet of Things _ Data Solutions, KPN, The Netherlands
Antoine van den Oever

Business Developer Internet of Things _ Data Solutions, KPN, The Netherlands

Antoine van den Oever (1976) got his bachelor degree in hospitality management, business economics and political science. In the past Antoine worked for CapGemini, SAS institute and SAP he specialized himself in big data analytics. As a self-appointed

Ediz Altun
Assistant General Manager, Intel Turkey
Ediz Altun

Assistant General Manager, Intel Turkey

Ediz Altun has an Electrical & Electronics engineer and Executive MBA degree from Bogazici University. He has eighteen years of IT experience and has held various roles in Intel for the past fifteen years. Most recently he has

Nick Walker
Director Connected Car, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Germany
Nick Walker

Director Connected Car, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Germany

Nick is an independent consultant and advisor for vehicle manufacturers, insurers and tech start-ups, specialising in IoT and Connectivity. In a career spanning more than 35 years, Nick has served in senior roles on a global level in

Mohummed Haris Farooq
Corporate Performance Specialist – Corporate Affairs, STC Solutions, Saudi Arabia
Mohummed Haris Farooq

Corporate Performance Specialist – Corporate Affairs, STC Solutions, Saudi Arabia

Currently working as part of Corporate Affairs Team for STC Solutions, Mohummed Haris Farooq has over 9 years of experience in Organizational Strategic Planning and Performance Management (Balance Scorecard, KPIs & Project Management). In the past, he as worked for

Fayez Kharbat
Board Member, Middle East & Process Industries Chairman, MESA International, Saudi Arabia
Fayez Kharbat

Board Member, Middle East & Process Industries Chairman, MESA International, Saudi Arabia

An industry thought leader, entrepreneur, strategic thinker and passionate Engineering & Knowledge Management consultant with over 27 years of experience in the petrochemical, refining and gas industries. Fayez possess a unique combination of a strong technical background coupled with exceptional

Ali Erhan Binici
Ali Erhan Binici


Co-founder and CEO of Ankaref, the company, founded in 2007 with the objective to be one of the key players in the Internet of Things(IoT) market and has played an important role in shaping the IoT market in different sectors.

Melih Melik SÖNMEZ
Ulusoy Maritime Group & Turkey Cesme Customs IT Manager
Melih Melik SÖNMEZ

Ulusoy Maritime Group & Turkey Cesme Customs IT Manager

Year of Birth : 1976

Ulusoy Sealines Management S.A.
Information Technologies Manager
• Acting as the contact and responsible person for all IT Operations

Ulusoy Holding
Web Developer
• Developing and designing sites of all Ulusoy Holding companies
• Developing Online Ticket

Burak Çifter
General Manager,Bilge SGT
Burak Çifter

General Manager,Bilge SGT

Bilgi güvenliği sektöründe 2004 yılından itibaren uzman, denetmen ve danışman pozisyonlarında görev yapan Burak Çifter, yerli ve yabancı finans kurumlarına, telekom şirketlerine, servis sağlayıcılara ve kamu kurumuna hizmet verdi. Özellikle uygulama veağ güvenliği alanında yaptığı çalışmalarda yaygın kullanılan çeşitli kapalıve

Şule Güner
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Writer, Turkuvaz Medya
Şule Güner

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Writer, Turkuvaz Medya

Yapay zeka ve robotik konularında uzman, İstanbul merkezli gazeteci. Sadece bu iki alanda yazan tek Türk gazeteci-yazar. Aralarında Türkiye’nin en çok satan ekonomi dergisi ve bir İngilizce gazetenin de bulunduğu Türk medyasına ait yayınlara yazıyor. Türkiye’de yerleşik yerel

Önder Güler
Country Manager, Turkey, Google Cloud
Önder Güler

Country Manager, Turkey, Google Cloud

Önder has spent time with some of the best tech vendors of almost every stack of the IT hierarchy. He started with NCR and Digital then moved to Microsoft, followed with Cisco. Doing senior management roles in

Country Manager, Turkey, Gemalto

Country Manager, Turkey, Gemalto

Mürsel Karabıyık
Senior IT Consultant, Inforte Bilişim, Netscout
Mürsel Karabıyık

Senior IT Consultant, Inforte Bilişim, Netscout

Caner Taşkın
Chief Technology Officer, ICRON
Caner Taşkın

Chief Technology Officer, ICRON

He joined ICRON in 2001 and specializes on large-scale optimization methods and software. He was named the recipient of the 2010 Pritsker Doctoral Dissertation Award given by the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) and his research has appeared in many

Bora Gemicioğlu
Legal Council Etid
Bora Gemicioğlu

Legal Council Etid

Mr. Bora Gemicioglu has graduated from Galatasaray High School and has a degree in Law from Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Law in 2004 and an LL.M. degree from Essex University in 2006. His areas of expertise include Corporate

Bob Visnov
CTO, Augmate, USA
Bob Visnov

CTO, Augmate, USA

Aykut Alper
Technical Team Leader, Inforte Bilişim, Netscout
Aykut Alper

Technical Team Leader, Inforte Bilişim, Netscout

Masood Mohamed
Director, Digital Transformation, Software AG
Masood Mohamed

Director, Digital Transformation, Software AG

Masood is the Director, Digital Transformation at Software AG. In his current role, based in Riyadh - Saudi Arabia, he is responsible for guiding Software AG’s customers in the Middle East & Turkey region realize their Digital agendas with Software

John Mickey
Founder, RPMA M2M IoT Türkiye
John Mickey

Founder, RPMA M2M IoT Türkiye

Formerly of Red Hat and Ford Smart Mobility, John Mickey has created global multi-million dollar strategic partnerships in the manufacturing automation space with Dedem Mekatronik. As Product Manager at TransLoc, now Ford Smart Mobility, he created software products featured in

Nejat Unsal
Managing Director, International Operations, ANKAREF
Nejat Unsal

Managing Director, International Operations, ANKAREF

Born in Ankara in 1986, Nejat Unsal has always attracted the attention of foreign investment companies before his graduation in Turkey and Belgium. Having a wise head on young shoulders, Mr. Unsal has been providing consultancy services for investment companies

Emre Dikmen
OT & IT Analyst, NAMETRUB Region, Unilever
Emre Dikmen

OT & IT Analyst, NAMETRUB Region, Unilever

Sensör seviyesinden, cloud computing düzeyine kadar uçtan uca 500'ün üzerinde projede yer aldım ve bir çoğunu da yönettim. Bu projelerde keşif, planlama, tasarım, kurulum ve test gibi mühendislik aşamalarının yanı sıra  fizibilite , olgunluk modeli çıkarımı ve

Deepak Gusain
Director – Business Development Mobility, IoT and Collaboration Services Middle East, Central Asia and Africa Tata Communications
Deepak Gusain

Director – Business Development Mobility, IoT and Collaboration Services Middle East, Central Asia and Africa Tata Communications

Deepak is the Director and Head of Business Development for Mobility, IoT and Collaboration Services for Middle East, Central Asia and Africa region for Tata Communications, a part of US$ 108 billion Tata Group of Companies. In this

Burak Savak
VP of IoT, Cloud and Automotive, Vestel
Burak Savak

VP of IoT, Cloud and Automotive, Vestel

Burak Savak is VP of IoT at Vestel Electronics, where he manages and coordinates cloud connectivity and ML activities for Vestel products. His team strategically creates the next generation of Vestel products, platforms & experiences end-users love.

Kerem Palabıyk
Co-Founder Fourdotone
Kerem Palabıyk

Co-Founder Fourdotone

Oğuz Türkkorkmaz
CIO, Sanko Holding
Oğuz Türkkorkmaz

CIO, Sanko Holding


Volkan Kuzucu
CIO, Agaoglu
Volkan Kuzucu

CIO, Agaoglu

Volkan Kuzucu born in İstanbul , 1982. Completed his undergraduate education in İstanbul Bilgi University, Computer Science department. Has 15-year IT experience in Tourism, Energy and Construction industries. Proved itself by implementing case studies in Tourism industry ,

Eray Hangul
Co-Founder & CEO, Ayvos
Eray Hangul

Co-Founder & CEO, Ayvos

Eray HANGÜL was born at Malatya named as "Apricot City" and with the supporting minerals of apricots, he got Master degree from Ege University Computer Engineering at 2007. He was interested in 3D game engine design and development

Board Member and General Manager, GGTEK

Board Member and General Manager, GGTEK

2002 yılından itibaren dış ticaret ve finans sektöründe çeşitli kademelerde uzman ve yönetici olarak görev yapmıştır. Proje finansmanı, Yatırım Yönetimi ve Uluslararası ticaret alanlarında uzmanlaşmış olan Yasin Erdem, kuruluşundan beri GGTEK takımının bir üyesi olarak görev yapmaktadır.

Atahan Işık
Partner, Related & Co. Consulting 
Atahan Işık

Partner, Related & Co. Consulting 

Helping organizations' & leaders' staying relevant in this disruptive era. Passionately interested in technology, innovation & entrepreneurship- Believing these 3 components will make the world a better place to live. Partner at Related & Co consulting firm and

Türker Özturk
EcoStruxure Solution Manager, Schneider Electric
Türker Özturk

EcoStruxure Solution Manager, Schneider Electric

Türker Öztürk, 1981 yılında Ankara’da doğdu. 1999 yılında Süleyman Demirel Anadolu Lisesini bitirdi. 2003 yılında Hacettepe Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fizik Mühendisliği bölümden, 2006 yılında ise aynı üniversitenin Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fizik Mühendisliği ABD’dan fizik yüksek mühendisi ünvanı ile

M.Rifat OK
General Manager, Wipelot
M.Rifat OK

General Manager, Wipelot

M. Rifat Ok was born in 1976 in Diyarbakır. In 2003, he received his master's degree from ITU Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Between 1999 and 2004, he worked at Mobilera A.Ş. on European Union 6th Framework and

Döndü Ünal Haktar
Head of Corporate Projects Management, HUGO BOSS Textile Industries
Döndü Ünal Haktar

Head of Corporate Projects Management, HUGO BOSS Textile Industries

Döndü Ünal Haktar, Head of Corporate Projects Management HUGO BOSS Textile Industries, has18 years relevant working experience on executive level, e.g. expert in the area of manufacturing, organizational transformation and leadership development. HUGO BOSS Textile Industry is HUGO BOSS Group’s

Yıldırım Yolcu
Business Development Director, ANKAREF
Yıldırım Yolcu

Business Development Director, ANKAREF

2006 yılında KTÜ Makine Mühendisliğini, 2011-2012 yıllarında Kocaeli Üniversitesi MBA programını bitirdi. 2007 -2017 yıllarında Ford Otosan Gölcük Fabrikası’nda önce Üretim Planlama tarafında İç Lojistik Mühendisi olarak akabinde Lojistik Tarafında Ekip Lideri olarak görev aldı. 2018 yılı itibariyle

Aykut Cindemir
CIO, Silk and Cashmere
Aykut Cindemir

CIO, Silk and Cashmere

2013 yılında Bulgaristan Varna Teknik üniversitesi Bilgisayar Sistemleri Teknolojisi Muhendisliğinden mezun olduktan sonra Aspen Yapı ve Zemin firmasında bilgi işlem&Crm sorumlusu olarak işe başladı. 2014-2015 yılları arasında İntersport firmasında  It sorumlusu olarak görev aldıktan sonra 2015 yılında It

Tunc Berkman
CMO Vestel
Tunc Berkman

CMO Vestel

Kadıköy Anadolu sonrası lisans eğitimini Syracuse University’de, MBA’yi ise Babson College’de tamamladı. Çalışma hayatına Amerika’da başladı. Monitor Company/New York’da danışman olarak perakendecilik ve telekom sektörlerine ilişkin projelerde yer aldı ve 2000 yılında Türkiye’ye döndü.

Koç Holding’de

Bora Yazıcıoğlu
Managing Partner – Yazıcıoğlu Attorneys at Law
Bora Yazıcıoğlu

Managing Partner – Yazıcıoğlu Attorneys at Law

Bora Yazicioglu has over 10 years of experience advising national and international clients on several aspects of business law and representing them before courts, arbitral tribunals and regulatory bodies. During his career he has advised Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Zurich

Alper Karaçar
EY Turkey, Advisory Services, Partner CESA Emerging Technologies Leader
Alper Karaçar

EY Turkey, Advisory Services, Partner CESA Emerging Technologies Leader

Alper is the leader of Information Technology Advisory Services of EY Central and Southeast Europe , Central Asia and Turkey Advisory Service Line. He is reposible from 33 countries. He has more than 19 years of professional

Santiago de Diego
Cyber Security Researcher, Tecnalia, Spain
Santiago de Diego

Cyber Security Researcher, Tecnalia, Spain

Mathematician and IT Engineer by the University of Granada (UGR) and Master Program in Cybersecurity by the International University of La Rioja (UNIR), Santiago has a background in Pentesting and Information Security (CPHE certified). In the past, he

Cenk Salihoğlu
General Manager, MBIS
Cenk Salihoğlu

General Manager, MBIS

Cenk Salihoğlu, Kadıköy Anadolu Lisesi’nden 1993’te mezun olduktan sonra İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi’nde Endüstri Mühendisliğini (1997) ve Marmara Üniversitesi’nde Mühendislik Yönetimi (2003) yüksek lisansını bitirmiştir. Salihoğlu, iş hayatına SAP Türkiye’de başlamış sonrasında MBIS’in kurucu ortakları arasında yer almıştır. Kariyerinin

Miroslaw Ryba
EMEIA IoT Leader, EY
Miroslaw Ryba

EMEIA IoT Leader, EY

Miroslaw leads IoT advisory services for the EY EMEIA region. He led multiple projects focused on transforming business through technologies in EMEIA as well as Asia and North America, for both government institutions and large heavy-industry enterprises.

Sümeyra Teymur
Sümeyra Teymur


Dijital yayıncılık alanında 12 yıllık tecrübeye sahip,’un da bağlı olduğu Yenimedya Elektronik Yayıncılık’ta CEO.’un 2006 yılında kurulmasından bu yana, öğrenciyken bağladığı part time dijital yayıncılık işinde okul bittikten sonra full

Çetin Kaya Koç
Chairman, Machine Learning Türkiye
Çetin Kaya Koç

Chairman, Machine Learning Türkiye

Çetin Kaya Koç received his Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering from University of California Santa Barbara in 1988. His research interests are in electronic voting, cyber-physical security, cryptographic engineering, finite field arithmetic, random number generators, and neuromorphic

Tibor Komroczki
Head of Process Information & Automation, MOL Group, Hungary
Tibor Komroczki

Head of Process Information & Automation, MOL Group, Hungary

Tibor Komroczki is the Head of Process Information and Automation in MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Company.
Tibor Komróczki has been working at MOL since 1987. He started his career at the FCC unit and has moved through different roles

Valeriano Donzelli
Supply Chain Optimization Leader, GE Power, Hungary
Valeriano Donzelli

Supply Chain Optimization Leader, GE Power, Hungary

Valeriano (Vale) Donzelli has 14 years’ experience in GE. He worked for GE in 3 different countries and 2 different business. He held various position with growing responsibilities in Supply Chain Management, mostly covering Multi-plant roles for EMEA and, in

Tomasz Pactwa
Project Director, The City of Warsaw, Poland
Tomasz Pactwa

Project Director, The City of Warsaw, Poland

Tomasz Pactwa is responsible for social matters at the city of Warsaw that includes policy dedicated to families, seniors and people with disabilities. He started his professional career with the NGO as a fundraiser and soon became a project manager.

Ahmet Erdem ÖNER
R&D Smart Manufacturing Technologies Manager, Toyotetsu
Ahmet Erdem ÖNER

R&D Smart Manufacturing Technologies Manager, Toyotetsu

Ahmet Erdem ÖNER was born in 1980. He graduated from Yıldız Technical University Mechanical Engineering & Electrical Engineering. He has a Execute MBA degree from YTU. He has been working at Toyotetsu Company since 2007. He has ten

Rithesh Phalaksha
Digital Solutions and Technology Acceleration Lead, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, India
Rithesh Phalaksha

Digital Solutions and Technology Acceleration Lead, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, India

Rithesh leads digital solutions and technology acceleration teams in Novartis, my current responsibilitiesincludethe digitization of customer experience and day to day operationsand also innovating and incubating novel technologies like sensors/IOT, intelligent process automation, bigdata and real-time advanced analytics in the

Nikica Mikulandra
Business Development Manager, Koncar , Croatia
Nikica Mikulandra

Business Development Manager, Koncar , Croatia

Nikica Mikulandra is currently deputy director in KONCAR Electronics and Informatics Inc. in Croatia, a manufacturer of advanced electronics and systems and director in Upland Global Wireless Technology in Nigeria, an IoT/M2M telecom company. He has over 20 years of

Lionel Anciaux
Founder, IOT Factory, Belgium
Lionel Anciaux

Founder, IOT Factory, Belgium

Founder of IOT Factory. We help Businesses to generate Value through the Internet of Things (IoT). We provide Business Solutions, Consulting Services and a Startup Studio for IOT Startups. Lionel has more than 15 years experience in IOT (LoRa, SgFox)

Fadi Nasser
GM of ICT & Advisor to CEO, Omantel, Oman
Fadi Nasser

GM of ICT & Advisor to CEO, Omantel, Oman

Dr. Ahmad Wassim
Group Manufacturing Excellence Head, Al-Khaleej Sugar, UAE
Dr. Ahmad Wassim

Group Manufacturing Excellence Head, Al-Khaleej Sugar, UAE

Dr. Ahmad Wassim is the Group Manufacturing Excellence Head at Al-Khaleej Sugar since September 2017. Before this, he was the Regional Manufacturing & Supply Chain director for Construction Company in UAE. Dr. Ahmad started her career at GSK as a

Walid Benzarti
Director for Innovation & Technology, THALES Group, France
Walid Benzarti

Director for Innovation & Technology, THALES Group, France

Walid BENZARTI holds a Ph.D. in Microelectronics and an Executive MBA. He has been working for more than 20 years in Innovation and Scientific Research as a Scientist, Visiting Professor, Conferences Keynote speaker, Consultant and Executive in different International public

Sharul A Rashid
Principal Engineer, Instrument and Control, Petronas, Malaysia
Sharul A Rashid

Principal Engineer, Instrument and Control, Petronas, Malaysia

Sharul A Rashid is the Principal Engineer, Instrument and Control in East Coast Refinery and Aromatics Plant based in Kertih, Terengganu, Malaysia. Sharul had passed recent Custodian Assessment and ready for promotion. Sharul has more than 26 years of experience

Rodney Kincaid
CEO, Balmoral Financial, USA
Rodney Kincaid

CEO, Balmoral Financial, USA

Rodney Kincaid CEO world investor and mural painter
( will be speaking in Turkey at IoT EurAsia.

He will make available to EuraAsian clients more than 50 Million in financing
for companies needing back up energy storage, software and services

Nikhil Padhi
Global Lead, Manufacturing Applications, SunPower, USA
Nikhil Padhi

Global Lead, Manufacturing Applications, SunPower, USA

Nikhil is the Global Lead for Manufacturing applications in Module Manufacturing plants at SunPower. He has led setting up of highly automated plants in Latin America and South Africa. He ran a Merger and Acquisition project in EU which involved

Hussein Nassar
Supply Chain Customer Service Manager, Sanofi, Saudi Arabia
Hussein Nassar

Supply Chain Customer Service Manager, Sanofi, Saudi Arabia

Certified Supply Chain Manager from ISCEA-USA with 15 years’ experience in multinational company with invaluable knowledge of managing projects, resources and staff in an effective and efficient manner. Highly focused on demand planning, Business Process and the supply chain. Boasting

Gerard van der Hoeven
Managing Partner, DigiGurus BV, The Netherlands
Gerard van der Hoeven

Managing Partner, DigiGurus BV, The Netherlands

Entrepreneur, visionair and senior executive with 20 years of entrepreneurial experience in the Tech industry. Been leading digital transformations in software, telecom, utility, electronics and payments.

Skilled in strategy, leadership, business development, executive management and finance. Combined with a deep understanding

Eddie Segal
Innovation Leader, MTS Group, Russia
Eddie Segal

Innovation Leader, MTS Group, Russia

Eddie Segal is the Innovation & Digital business development leader of Mobile TeleSystems PJSC (“MTS” - NYSE:MBT; MOEX:MTSS) is the leading Telco & Digital group in Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, which provide wireless Internet access and fixed voice, broadband

Samar Singla
CEO and Founder, Jugnoo, India
Samar Singla

CEO and Founder, Jugnoo, India

 Samar is a physicist by education and has previously worked as a researcher at IBM and CERN. He is an avid traveler and amateur photographer who likes to document the everyday world.

Mary-Jo de Leeuw
Director Cybersecurity Advocacy-EMEA, (ISC)2
Mary-Jo de Leeuw

Director Cybersecurity Advocacy-EMEA, (ISC)2

Bits and bytes fascinated Mary-Jo de Leeuw ever since she got a Commodore 64, back in the 80’s. What followed in the next 25 years, was much, much more (digital) toys and the "investigation" of it. But this toystory doesn’t

Kjeld J. V. Jespersen
Global Product Manager, Digital Services, Caterpillar Inc., Switzerland
Kjeld J. V. Jespersen

Global Product Manager, Digital Services, Caterpillar Inc., Switzerland

Kjeld Jespersen is Global Product Manager, Digital Services for Construction Industries at Caterpillar Inc. He is based in Geneva, Switzerland. Kjeld works closely with multiple business partners to support the commercialization of Caterpillar’s digital product and service portfolio.

Since joining Caterpillar’s

Volkan Kuzucu
Head of IT, Agaoglu Group of Companies
Volkan Kuzucu

Head of IT, Agaoglu Group of Companies

Volkan Kuzucu born in İstanbul , 1982. Completed his undergraduate education in İstanbul Bilgi University, Computer Science department. Has 15-year IT experience in Tourism, Energy and Construction industries. Proved itself by implementing case studies in Tourism industry , then transferred

Sarper Arslan
Senior Head of Corporate Services, HUGO BOSS Textile Industries
Sarper Arslan

Senior Head of Corporate Services, HUGO BOSS Textile Industries

Sarper Arslan, Senior Head of Corporate Services HUGO BOSS Textile Industries, has 20 years of experience in the fashion business in manufacturing, project management, organizational development, engineering and product development in a multi-national environment, leveraging business potential and creating high

Michel Anderson
Board Member, MESA Middle East
Michel Anderson

Board Member, MESA Middle East

Michel Anderson is a Principal Director within the Accenture Resources practice, based in the Dammam Saudi Arabia. His expertise includes manufacturing operations management, supply chain management, operations excellence, performance management and complex system integration.Prior to joining Accenture, Michel worked for

Katriina Valli
Managing Director, Zyfra Europe, Russia
Katriina Valli

Managing Director, Zyfra Europe, Russia

Katriina is an entrepreneurial leader with 20 years of experience in ICT and all things digital. In 2017 Katriina was recognized as one of the top 100 IT influencers in Finland by a prominent local magazine Tietoviikko.Katriina was previously a

Ali Erhan Binici
Ali Erhan Binici


Born in 1974, Nigde, Binici completed secondary and high school education in Icel Anatolian High School after his primary school graduation in Mersin. He graduated from METU, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 1997. He started his professional life

Pete Wassell
CEO, Augmate, USA
Pete Wassell

CEO, Augmate, USA

Pete is an IBM alumni with over 20 years of experience in the IT industry. During his time at IBM, Wassell spent a majority of his career managing multimillion dollar programs, conducting business presentations in every major city of the

Giuseppe Padula
Digital Manufacturing Innovation Program Expert, European Commission & Advanced Design & Technology Manager, University of Bologna
Giuseppe Padula

Digital Manufacturing Innovation Program Expert, European Commission & Advanced Design & Technology Manager, University of Bologna

Giuseppe Padula, MSc, MBA, is Adj. Prof. of Digital Manufacturing Innovation at University of Bologna, Advanced Design Dpt. He is co-founder of the Executive Master in Business Innovation Design at Bologna Business School, and Scientific Director of the Italian Magazine

Fayez Kharbat
Board Member, Middle East & Process Industries Chairman, MESA International, Saudi Arabia
Fayez Kharbat

Board Member, Middle East & Process Industries Chairman, MESA International, Saudi Arabia

An industry thought leader, entrepreneur, strategic thinker and passionate Engineering & Knowledge Management consultant with over 27 years of experience in the petrochemical, refining and gas industries. Fayez possess a unique combination of a strong technical background coupled with exceptional

Burak Polat
CEO & Co Founder, Skysens
Burak Polat

CEO & Co Founder, Skysens

Burak Polat is Co-founder and Ceo of Skysens , born in Kayseri Turkey 1986,have extensive experience on multinational- multicultural technology development. Graduated from Aerospace Engineering in Istanbul Technical University and finished Engineering Management Master at Bogaziçi University. After finishing his

Ali Tamer Ünal
Founding Partner, ICRON
Ali Tamer Ünal

Founding Partner, ICRON

He is the visionary and founder of ICRON, which was established in Chicago USA in the early nineties. Tamer has been working on large scale Supply Chain Planning, Scheduling and Optimization systems for clients around the world for over two

Nevzat Ataklı
CEO, Trio Mobil
Nevzat Ataklı

CEO, Trio Mobil

Mr. Nevzat Ataklı holds an undergraduate degree in Mechatronics Engineering at Sabanci University, started his carrier as a software & diagnostics engineer at Ford Motor Company R&D Center. After founding Trio Mobil in 2011, he played a major role in

Mohummed Haris Farooq
Corporate Performance Specialist – Corporate Affairs, STC Solutions, Saudi Arabia
Mohummed Haris Farooq

Corporate Performance Specialist – Corporate Affairs, STC Solutions, Saudi Arabia

Currently working as part of Corporate Affairs Team for STC Solutions, Mohummed Haris Farooq has over 9 years of experience in Organizational Strategic Planning and Performance Management (Balance Scorecard, KPIs & Project Management). In the past, he as worked for

Kozan Demircan
Chief Digital Officer & Lecturer, Bilgi & Bahçeşehir University
Kozan Demircan

Chief Digital Officer & Lecturer, Bilgi & Bahçeşehir University

As Chief Digital Officer I advise companies on how they can use current and future technologies for sustainable profit. I work at Bilgi & Bahçeşehir University as senior lecturer and give lectures on e-business, internet marketing and innovation. I specialize

Ersan Meric
Managing Director, Integral Solutions
Ersan Meric

Managing Director, Integral Solutions

BSc in Mechanical Engineering, MBA, Ph.D in Management Previous Roles: Procurement Governance and Development Director @Telecom industry, General Manager @ manufacturing, Head of Industrial Projects @ Holding Ersan has strong leadership background in Business Development, Supply Chain and Manufacturing. With

Dr Adnan Abu-Dayya
CEO, QMIC, Qatar
Dr Adnan Abu-Dayya

CEO, QMIC, Qatar

Dr. Adnan led the establishment of the Qatar Mobility Innovations Center (QMIC) in 2009 at the Qatar Science & Technology Park. It is the first independent innovations institution in the region focused on translating local large-scale innovations into scalable digital

Cengiz Ultav
Chairman of Board, TTGV and Board Member, VESTEL Ventures
Cengiz Ultav

Chairman of Board, TTGV and Board Member, VESTEL Ventures

Born in Eskişehir on the 26th of February in 1950 . Mr. Ultav was graduated from Ankara Science High School and received his BSc and MSc degree from Electrical and Electrical Engineering Department (Computer and Control Option) from Middle East

Çağdaş Tanrıöver
Product and Service Development Director, Turk Telekom
Çağdaş Tanrıöver

Product and Service Development Director, Turk Telekom

Bola Awobamise
CEO & Chairman, AFCOMSAT, Nigeria
Bola Awobamise

CEO & Chairman, AFCOMSAT, Nigeria

Olcay Taysi
CEO, NETOP IoT, Netherlands
Olcay Taysi

CEO, NETOP IoT, Netherlands

In 1995 he became a double majored graduate of SDSU Software and Mathematical Engineering. Until 1997, he worked in various positions in the private sector. He started his professional business life by establishing his first company in 1997. Over the

Muzaffer Yontem
Co-founder, Infolitik, Turkey
Muzaffer Yontem

Co-founder, Infolitik, Turkey

Muzaffer Yöntem is Managing Director of Infolitik that is TIBCO Software Partner in Turkey, acting big
data and business software architect having 20 years’ experience in integration and analytics. He has
also previously led Sybase Turkey as country sales leader.

Ibrahim Demir
Co-Founder, Ironman Consulting , Turkey
Ibrahim Demir

Co-Founder, Ironman Consulting , Turkey

İbrahim Demir, 1979 yılında TED Ankara Koleji’nden, 1984 yılında Hacettepe
Üniversitesi İşletme Bölümü’nden mezun oldu.
Çalışma hayatına 1987 yılında Kordsa’da “İnsan Kaynakları Uzmanı” olarak başladı.
Bu görevini takiben aynı şirkette ve Sabancı Holding’in özel projelerinde “İnsan
Kaynakları Bilgi Sistemleri Uzmanı”

Önder Özturan
Special Solutions and Business Development Director, Data Market, Turkey
Önder Özturan

Special Solutions and Business Development Director, Data Market, Turkey

He started his professional career in 1993, working in Information and Operation Technologies (IT - OT) areas. With the discipline of Electronic Engineer (MSc), he had developed solutions in the field of industrial automation and manufacturing execution systems. He has

Serhat Kut
Digital Transormation Director, MNG Kargo,Turkey
Serhat Kut

Digital Transormation Director, MNG Kargo,Turkey

Dr. Serhat Kut 2002 yılında M.S.G.S.Ü Mimarlık Bölümünden mezun olmuş ardından aynı üniversitede Kentsel Tasarım alanında yüksek lisansını tamamlamıştır. İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesinde Araştırma Görevlisi olarak akademik hayatına başlayan Serhat Kut, 2006 yılında İTÜ’de Nesnelerin İnterneti (IOT), Artırılmış Gerçeklik

Dr. Şevket Akınlar
Consultant Fraunhofer, Germany
Dr. Şevket Akınlar

Consultant Fraunhofer, Germany

Dr.rer.pol. Sevket Akinlar, born in Istanbul, is the founder of AKT Centre of Applied Research A.S. as a consulting company of logistics and consultant of Fraunhofer Germany in Istanbul. Sevket worked many years for Volkswagen AG and founder of Innovation

Bora Yilmaz
Business Developer & Technopreneur, Revo Capital
Bora Yilmaz

Business Developer & Technopreneur, Revo Capital

Bora Yılmaz is part of the Revo Capital founding team, the largest early stage technology venture capital fund in Turkey with $66 million AUM dedicated only for IOT, B2B cloud and neo-commerce enabler startups. After being involved in product management

Ekrem Zoroglu
Group Manager - SAP Solution & Delivery Center
Ekrem Zoroglu

Group Manager - SAP Solution & Delivery Center