Türk Telekom, with 176 years of history, is the first integrated telecommunications operator in Turkey. In 2015, Türk Telekomünikasyon A.Ş. adopted a “customer-oriented” and integrated structure in order to respond to the rapidly changing communication and technology needs of customers in the most powerful and accurate way, while maintaining the legal entities of Aveaİletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. and TTNET A.Ş. intact and adhering to the rules and regulations to which they are subject. Having a wide service network and product range in the fields of individual and corporate services, Türk Telekom unified its mobile, internet, phone and TV products and services under the single “Türk Telekom” brand as of January 2016.
“Turkey’s Multiplay Provider” Türk Telekom has 13.4 million fixed access lines, 9.4 million broadband and 19.2 million mobile subscribers as of September 30, 2017. Türk Telekom Group Companies provide services in all 81 cities of Turkey with 33,095 employees with the vision of introducing new technologies to Turkey and accelerating Turkey’s transformation into an information society.
Türk Telekomünikasyon A.Ş., providing PSTN and wholesale broadband services, owns 100% of mobile operator Avea İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş., retail internet services, IPTV, satellite TV, Web TV, Mobile TV, Smart TV services provider TTNET A.Ş.,TV Broadcasting and VOD services provider Net Ekran Companies, R&D, innovation and convergence technologies company Argela Yazılım ve Bilişim Teknolojileri A.Ş., IT solution provider Innova Bilişim Çözümleri A.Ş., online education software company Sebit Eğitim ve Bilgi Teknolojileri A.Ş., call center company AssisTT Rehberlik ve Müşteri Hizmetleri A.Ş., wholesale data and capacity service provider Türk Telekom International and its subsidiaries.
Undertaking a key role in societies’ access to knowledge, Türk Telekom puts the information technologies that are basic driving force for sustainable economic growth and community development into use across Turkey. Developing products and services, it contributes to people’s access to knowledge that cannot join the community life due to economic, social or physical reasons. With this understanding, it conducts many corporate social responsibility projects within the scope of eliminating the obstacles to access to information for disadvantaged groups; from the “Life is Simple with Internet” project, provided in development priority cities and the cities with low internet penetration, encouraging Internet use and cited as setting an example to the world by the United Nations to the “Sunshine” project supporting the children with low vision in maintaining their lives as independent and self-assured individuals with the help of early intervention trainings.
Embracing its rich history and heritage, experiences and forward-looking business approach, Türk Telekom adapts the vision of making Turkey a key player in the global arena. Türk Telekom leads Turkey’s efforts to become a country that not only takes and uses the technology but also produces and even exports it with the projects carried out by its own engineers for the next generation national technologies. By transforming Turkey into a global digital base, it targets both domestic and worldwide Internet traffic to be carried out over Turkey for various industries including transportation, energy, finance, etc.