Nis 04 2019 Deepak Gusain
Deepak is the Director and Head of Business Development for Mobility, IoT and Collaboration Services for Middle East, Central Asia and Africa region for Tata Communications, a part of US$ 108 billion Tata Group of Companies. In this role, he is responsible for developing new initiatives and business across Mobility, Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud, Security and Managed Services for enterprises, service providers and mobile operators in the region.
Deepak has more than 15 years of experience in the telecommunications industry spanning across various functions such as engineering, pre-sales and business development with specific focus on emerging markets of India, MENA, Sub Saharan Africa and CIS region. He has extensive experience in solution architecture, network services, security, data center hosting, cloud services, voice and collaboration. He has been working with Tata Communications for the last 11 years.
Originally from India and now based in Dubai UAE, Deepak earned his bachelor’s degree in computer science from IP University in New Delhi. He also has an advanced level certification in Cisco data, voice and telepresence design. He is an avid cricketer, a fitness enthusiast and a frequent traveler throughout the region.
Nis 02 2019 Burak Savak
Burak Savak is VP of IoT at Vestel Electronics, where he manages and coordinates cloud connectivity and ML activities for Vestel products. His team strategically creates the next generation of Vestel products, platforms & experiences end-users love.
During his professional life, Burak worked at several continents, and built-up & managed multinational teams including USA, UK and India. The products that his teams developed were received several awards including Edison Award and Florida Governer’s New Product Award. Burak has Electronics Engineer and MBA Degrees.
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Nis 02 2019 Volkan Kuzucu
Volkan Kuzucu born in İstanbul , 1982. Completed his undergraduate education in İstanbul Bilgi University, Computer Science department. Has 15-year IT experience in Tourism, Energy and Construction industries. Proved itself by implementing case studies in Tourism industry , then transferred İstanbul, the Company HQ. He played a critical role during the creation of Technology roadmap for Agaoglu Group of Companies (which is the leading construction company of Turkey), like next-generation CRM systems, ERP systems, smart homes & smart city concept, cloud computing. Had completed more then 10 unique projects for this industry segment. Last five years, he is managing IT and Technology Services of whole Agaoglu Group of Companies.
Nis 01 2019 Eray Hangul
Eray HANGÜL was born at Malatya named as “Apricot City” and with the supporting minerals of apricots, he got Master degree from Ege University Computer Engineering at 2007. He was interested in 3D game engine design and development in desktop and mobile platforms during his undergraduate and graduate studies. Between 2004 and 2014, he worked in many companies in different positions such as software X (development specialist, architect, team leader, manager) while developing big scaled software and automation systems that were end-to-end integrated with many parties. Eray HANGÜL founded Ayvos Information Technologies Company at 2015 and he has been producing solutions for real world problems in the field of Computer Vision through using machine learning approaches and image processing techniques.
Mar 29 2019 Yasin ERDEM
2002 yılından itibaren dış ticaret ve finans sektöründe çeşitli kademelerde uzman ve yönetici olarak görev yapmıştır. Proje finansmanı, Yatırım Yönetimi ve Uluslararası ticaret alanlarında uzmanlaşmış olan Yasin Erdem, kuruluşundan beri GGTEK takımının bir üyesi olarak görev yapmaktadır.
Mar 28 2019 Atahan Işık
Helping organizations’ & leaders’ staying relevant in this disruptive era. Passionately interested in technology, innovation & entrepreneurship- Believing these 3 components will make the world a better place to live. Partner at Related & Co consulting firm and Instructor at the University of California, Irvine – Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship program.
Mar 28 2019 Türker Özturk
Türker Öztürk, 1981 yılında Ankara’da doğdu. 1999 yılında Süleyman Demirel Anadolu Lisesini bitirdi. 2003 yılında Hacettepe Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fizik Mühendisliği bölümden, 2006 yılında ise aynı üniversitenin Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fizik Mühendisliği ABD’dan fizik yüksek mühendisi ünvanı ile mezun oldu. FMO 1796 sicil numaralı üyesidir.
Haziran 2004 tarihinde Emes Elektromekanik Sis. San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti’nde saha mühendisi olarak çalışmaya başladı. Ordu donatım asteğmen olarak tamamladığı askerlik hizmeti sonrası, aynı firmada 7 yıl boyunca 2014 yılı sonuna kadar Teknik Müdürlük görevi yaptı. Bu süreç zarfında; yangın algılama, söndürme, aydınlatma otomasyonu, kartlı-geçiş, güvenlik, bina otomasyonu, CCTV sistemleri v.b. birçok çözümün entegre uygulamaları ile akıllı bina çözümlerinin tüm aşamalarında görev alarak; Türkiye, Kazakistan, Azerbaycan, Afganistan, Çeçenistan, Rusya, Libya ve Romanya’da ki üst düzey projelerin ekip ve proje yönetim süreçlerinde yer buldu.
Kasım 2014 tarihinde Schneider Elektrik San ve Tic. A.Ş. ‘de Proje Yöneticisi olarak çalışmaya başladı. Özellikle şehir hastaneleri projelerinde; orta gerilim, güç transformatörleri, enerji yönetim sistemleri ile bina yönetim sistemi entegrasyon ve iş geliştirme süreçlerini yönetti. Mayıs 2018’den beri Schneider Elektrik’te EcoStruxure Çözüm Müdürü olarak; dijital dönüşüm ve entegrasyon mimarileri üzerine proje geliştirmektedir.
Türker Öztürk, evli ve iki çocuk babasıdır.
Mar 27 2019 M.Rifat OK
M. Rifat Ok was born in 1976 in Diyarbakır. In 2003, he received his master’s degree from ITU Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Between 1999 and 2004, he worked at Mobilera A.Ş. on European Union 6th Framework and ITEA R & D projects. In 2005, he started to work as a managing partner in Okyanus Technology. M. Rifat Ok has been successfully working as General Manager of the company since 2010 and he is married with two children.